Selecting Your Home
Include the following in your check list before making a commitment to purchase property:-
- Purchase a unit that is within your budget;
- Visit location of property to get a better assessment of the surrounding; and
- If there is a show unit available, make time to view it to get better perspective of floor layout, specifications provided and quality of workmanship.
Avoid a stressful lifestyle
Look also for a location that is supported by well-planned infrastructures, and preferably accessible to basic amenities, schools, banks, market and etc.
Budget & Funding via Employees’ Provident Fund (“EPF”)
Do not be hasty, work out your budget carefully before making a decision to purchase. If source of funding such as personal savings is insufficient for the initial payments, other sources can include:-
- Withdrawal of savings from your EPF; and
- Obtaining a home loan from a financial institution.
Below is a brief guideline on the EPF withdrawal procedures:-
Particulars | Details |
Requirement | You must be an EPF member. |
Entitlement | You may withdraw all monies from your Account 2 maintained at EPF, or the difference between the Purchase Price and loan amount plus 10% of the Purchase Price (whichever is lower). |
Procedure | Obtain an EPF withdrawal application form from their office.Submit the completed EPF form together with a photocopy of your I/C, Sale and Purchase Agreement and Letter of Offer from your end-financier.Produce all ORIGINAL documents mentioned above to the EPF officer for checking when submitting the said form for processing. |
Method of Payment | The payment will be released directly to your account within a period of 3 to 4 weeks from date of submission. For further applications made for EPF withdrawals, subsequent release of funds will be made directly to your end-financier.It is advisable for you to check with the EPF’s personnel, or log on to their website at to confirm your eligibility to withdraw your savings from EPF to purchase a property. |
Home Loans
To secure a good loan package to complete the purchase, check out personally with a loan officer who can provide invaluable assistance to you. The necessary documents required by the bankers to process your loan application include:-
- Original copy of the Sale and Purchase Agreement;
- Photocopy of the document of title (this can be obtained from the S&P lawyer or housing developer);
- Photocopy of your NRIC;
- A copy of your last 3 month’s salary slip or 6 month’s bank statement (if you are self-employed); and
- A letter from your employer confirming your years of service and income.
While loan approval processing may be quite fast with some bankers giving their replies within three (3) days from date of application, the loan documentation for the first loan release will normally take some time. However, you can avoid any Late Interest Charge being imposed for late release of the loan if you:-
- Apply for your loan without delay – obtain a checklist of documents required for application from the financial institution;
- Closely monitor the loan application process;
- Seek our assistance to liaise with the end-financer in getting the loan approved expeditiously;
- Settle the difference between the loan amount and purchase price immediately upon loan approval; and
- Promptly settle all legal fees and charges due to the lawyer.
Sale & Purchase Agreement (“SPA”)
All Developers must use the Statutory Sale and Purchase Agreements for the sale of their properties as follows:-
Particulars | Details |
Schedule G | For purchase of landed properties – individual titles (e.g. terrace houses, semi-detached and bungalows) |
Schedule H | For purchase of high-rise and subdivided properties strata titles (e.g. flats, apartments, condominiums, townhouses) |
Below is a simple chart on the process from the execution of SPA to loan drawdown:-
- PURCHASE & SPA SOLICITORSSelect your unit – execute SPA with Developer and pay 10% purchase price as down-payment.
- PURCHASERIssue Loan Offer Letter to purchaser(s) / Borrower(s).
- END-FINANCIER’S SOLICITORS & PURCHASERSolicitors prepare Loan Agreement for execution by the end-financier & Purchaser(s) / Borrower(s).
- PURCHASER & SPA SOLICITORSPurchaser settles difference between purchase price and loan amount, execute the Memorandum of Transfer (“MOT”) title & Charge documents to the end-financier.
- SPA SOLICITORS & PURCHASERMOT is sent to Valuation Department for adjudication. Solicitors inform Purchaser on stamp duty payable. Purchaser pays stamp duty and legal fees for transfer & Charge.
- END-FINANCIER’S SOLICITORSSolicitors present MOT & Charge for registration at relevant Land Office.
- SPA SOLICITORSSolicitors advise End-financier on the release/drawdown of the loan to Developer.
- END-FINANCIEREnd-financier releases progressive payments to Developer.
Legal Fees & Stamp Duty
Legal Fees for Sale & Purchase Agreement (SPA), Transfer & Loan Documentation:-
- The legal fees payable to your Solicitor is governed by the Solicitors’ Remuneration Order 1991 which provides the Standard Scale in determining your Solicitor’s fees;
- Legal fees for SPA, Transfer & Loan Documentation are charged separately;
- Generally, legal fees are borne by the buyer. However, certain developers and financial institutions may offer to pay the legal fees on the legal documentation as part of their marketing package; and
- The stamp duty on transfer must be paid within 30 days from the date of the notice of assessment, failing which a penalty will be imposed.
Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H)
The Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) was launched by the Malaysian Government to encourage non-Malaysians from overseas to retire in Malaysia or spend a considerable time in the country on a social visit pass (10 years) with a multiple entry visa which would allow them to and from Malaysia freely.
Under this programme, the eligible foreign citizens will get to enjoy the relatively high standard of living, and at the same time experience the diversity of food and culture that our multi-racial Country is able to offer them, all this without having to forego their citizenship.
For that successful applicant who wishes to purchase properties, they are exempted from having to obtain Foreign Investment Committee (FIC) approval.
Log into to obtain more information on MM2H.